Mechanical engineering is an excellent career for several reasons. The number of sectors that require mechanical engineers is vast. As a result, there is a good chance that the sector you dream of working in has mechanical engineers involved! Here we will discuss five reasons mechanical engineering is an excellent career.

Every Day Is Different 

As an engineer, your day can vary from day to day, something I love about the industry. I don’t enjoy the monotonous everyday schedule of some jobs. One day you could be communicating with customers about products, the next you could be writing reports/specifications, be looking at production issues, giving a report, external visits etc. The list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, you will still have to do some tasks that people don’t enjoy, e.g. writing emails, but if you enjoy doing different tasks every day, consider engineering.

Develop A Wide Range of Skills

Engineering requires you to be a well-rounded individual that can perform in a variety of environments. Having to use these skills regularly allows you to develop as a great professional. The skills you develop will be transferrable to other jobs if you wish to change the sector. The skills you are most likely to further are problem-solving, teamwork, communication, creativity.

The Problems You Solve

The engineering sector allows you to solve real-world problems and have a direct impact on peoples lives. How brilliant is that!? I find it inspiring and motivating, knowing that the work I am doing has a real impact on the world. Depending on the sector you work in, you could help solve transportation issues, design new components, design buildings. The list goes on!

Tangible Results

This ties in with the point made above. Having tangible results gives you something to feel, look at, touch once you have finished a project. Some people love having tangible results as it allows them to look back and appreciate the work they have put into it. You can physically evaluate its effectiveness. Having something to shows for your work can give you a sense of pride.


Mechanical engineering is among the prime engineering fields, and the different sectors you can enter is large. The skills you learn in a mechanical engineering degree allow you to enter the industry in a range of roles. When studying mechanical engineering, you will experience a wide range of fields within the subject. Later on in your degree, you will be able to specialise in certain areas. However, if you decide after specialising in an area its, not for you, you can transfer to another sector. Undertaking mechanical engineering as a career will leave many paths open to help you find your passion.

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