What Makes A Good Mechanical Engineering Project?

Mechanical Engineering projects can include a range of topics due to their diversity. For example, some projects can be very hands-on while others are computer-based. However, a good ideas for a mechanical engineering project will provide you with the opportunity to apply engineering theory while also developing your practical skills. A project of this nature allows you to appreciate the differences between theory and practicality.

Additionally, good mechanical engineering projects can be individual or group projects. Both have their benefits.

Individual projects allow you to master the project yourself, although it may prove to be more difficult. Group projects provide the opportunity to specialise in a specific area within the project e.g. stress analysis, while also learning from other team members e.g. electrical engineers.

A good idea for a mechanical project will be controlled by what exposure you want. Let’s see some good ideas for a mechanical engineering project!

Good Ideas For Individual Mechanical Engineering Projects


There are many different routes for taking a CFD analysis for a project. A good option that interest many people is a CFD analysis of a sports car. A project of this nature arouses peoples interest and helps more effort get put into the project. Additionally, you could look at optimising F1 front wings, analysing vortices entering jet engines etc. There are lots of different projects that can be undertaken using CFD. If you are interested in a topic/area involving flows or fluids, CFD could be a good option to pursue.


You will always be exposed to materials, no matter what engineering sector you enter, following university, so why not get some hands-on experience now? I was not very interested in materials at university, although looking back at it now, I wish I had gotten more hands-on exposure.

The range of work possible in this topic is the cryogenic treatment of metals, heat treatment of metals, analysis of composites, fatigue strength of structures, environmental factors on fatigue etc. There is a very high chance that what you encounter and learn during a project centred around materials, you will be able to put to good use in your career.

You can use liquid nitrogen to perform cryogenic treatment of metals. Credit: Cory Doctorow. License: CC BY-SA 2.0

Good Ideas For Group Mechanical Engineering Projects

Foldable Bike

Designing and manufacturing a foldable bike is a great group project. There are many different aspects and phases to the project which help develop a variety of skills. Stress analysis is required to ensure your bike is useable for the majority of the population while understanding the stresses in the frame when travelling over bumps. In addition, vigorous stress analysis is required to ensure the integrity of the folding elements.

A foldable bike is a Good Idea For a Group Mechanical Engineering Project
Can you design and manufacture a foldable bike which can be competitive in the market?


Designing a manufacturing a drone is a great task as this requires both mechanical and electrical engineering. It is a great opportunity to develop electrical engineering knowledge or additionally get exposure to working within a multidisciplinary team. Drones are becoming increasingly common in the world and have high popularity currently, so they may arouse your interest.

A drone is a Good Idea For a Group Mechanical Engineering Project
Creating a drone can be very hard to create but very fulfilling

Canal Litter Retriever

Want to be involved in a project that helps society? Being involved in the creation of a canal litter retriever is a great way to do that. This type of project provides great challenges and will require innovation and creativity. There is a place in the world currently for automatic canal litter retrievers. It is a project that solves a real-world problem and helps makes the world cleaner! Maybe your the person to solve the litter issues in canals?


Here I have covered a good ideas for a mechanical engineering project you can undertake during university. There is a wide range of possibilities, but it can be hard to choose. The projects suggested will give you good exposure, allowing the development of your engineering skills. Additionally, it is a great experience working within a project team, which you will commonly be exposed to when you move into a role in the industry. However, if you know what role/sector within engineering you want to pursue. I recommend undertaking a project related to this as it will help you develop your knowledge in that area and make you more attractive to an employer within that sector.

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